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L I S A  S A U N D E R S

Soulful, Creative, Intuitive

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If I'm honest about my own self-transformation, it has truly been my life's work.


From feeling very fragmented and lost in my life, this work in my personal journey has led me into becoming a more Whole and heart-centred person.


Probably the most significant parts of my journey began through art college and 18 months in South India in my early years, where yoga, art and colour made me feel for the first time a connection to something a lot more expansive and free in comparison to my sense of self at that time.  Delving into art therapy and the Steiner philosophy were also significant chapters that strengthened the bridge between East and West.


I truly came into my own, to do the work that I now offer, through the practice and study of Eco Shamanism and a solid foundational training in Holistic Massage Therapy. 


These weren't just 'another course to add to the cv'. Both trainings have served as intense chapters in my personal journey unravelling and deep diving into many shadows from a difficult past. Also, the blending of these practices began to emerge as a tool for connecting with the Whole and a gift that I could offer as an energy alchemy in other people's unique individual journeys. 


I have spent most of my working years as a professional carer alongside being an artist. 


I am so grateful to have been able to recognise my innate gifts and talents along the way. To be able to integrate them consciously, so that everything I practice in my work is very close to my heart and soul.  

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"Soulscape wisdom is an understanding

that rests in the movement of a living

soul: our earth and the Self"


qualifications and further education

'Member of the Massage Training Institute (MTI) 


Qualifications & courses:

Massage & Bodywork through the lens of Polyvagal-

Theory BCMB (2024)

The Spiritual Healing Journey/Thomas Hübl (2023)

Holistic Massage Therapy (2017) 

Bristol College of Massage and Bodywork.

Chair massage with Jacquie Kelly (2017)

Eco Shamanism credited course by Mandy Pullen (2017)

Deepening Intuition, modules 1&2 by Gigi Young

Artistic Therapy Training, Tobias School of Art (Anthroposophical/Rudolf Steiner Training)

B.A Hons Constructed Textile Design

Art Foundation Course


Monthly professional supervision Sessions to assist me in my

development and learning as a massage therapist.


Massage CPD courses

Continuous study and development in Shamanism

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Eco Shamanism - Mandy Pullen


Rattles crafted by John Black

found at Earthy Vibes Crafts on


BCMB (Bristol College of Massage & Body Work)

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